Gotta love 7-Eleven!


WTF! Wish I knew!

Mags galore!


Gotta love a clean toilet!

Tag line: A health fizzy drink, increasing the vitality of men going all-out every day.

Bejooled cigarette holders? Now, I'm all over that!!!

Ohh, p-u-p-p-y! So cute!!!

Mellow Cafe - When, where, how?

Some dude at some park in Harajuku.

Madonna gloves circa 1984/85 have made a comeback people! Hee!!!Hee!!!

Work it girl!!!

Some random dog tied up to a sidewalk while it's owner shops around inside the mall. Would not happen here in the U.S.

SEIYU = Japanese WALMART, owned by WALMART! Taking over the world!!!

Bar Lane near where I stayed! Ab Fab!!!