Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to the Big Island - August 2009

Waipio Valley - One of the things I had never done growing up here on the Big Island was to actually hike down into the valley - after all, it's what only the tourist come here to do right? Hiking Waipio has always been on my list of things to do when I return to the Big Island, but for some reason I just never get around to it. Well on this trip, my 2nd cousin Enya from Taiwan came out here for the first time and I thought this would be something great for her to see. So yes, I was finally able to check this one off my list. I'm just so ashamed it took me so long. My goal for next time? Down in one end and out the other.

View from the top.

On the way down...

Looking back at how far down we made it, and wondering how the hell we're gonna make it back up.

Enya looking back and wondering the same thing.

Almost into the valley!

Down in the Valley...

Imagine looking out your back window and seeing that everyday!

Our turn around point. Didn't quite feel like getting our feet wet.

On the way back up. One of the things I realized on this adventure? This is not a sixteen-year-old's idea of fun!

To make up for not letting her hitch a ride back to the top, I treated her to Tex Drive-In. After-all, we certainly worked up an appetite. This place makes the BEST malasadas (Portuguese donuts) and gravy burgers using local grass-fed beef. If you're ever on the Big Island, you MUST grind here!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Random Shit - Japan

Gotta love 7-Eleven!


WTF! Wish I knew!

Mags galore! 


Gotta love a clean toilet!

Tag line: A health fizzy drink, increasing the vitality of men going all-out every day.

Bejooled cigarette holders? Now, I'm all over that!!!

Ohh, p-u-p-p-y! So cute!!!

Mellow Cafe - When, where, how?

Some dude at some park in Harajuku.

Madonna gloves circa 1984/85 have made a comeback people! Hee!!!Hee!!!

Work it girl!!!

Some random dog tied up to a sidewalk while it's owner shops around inside the mall. Would not happen here in the U.S.

SEIYU = Japanese WALMART, owned by WALMART! Taking over the world!!!

Bar Lane near where I stayed! Ab Fab!!!

Half the people I know wouldn't be able to get into an amusement park or Japanese bath house here in Japan!!!

Recycling can be so confusing here!!!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson!!! The Japanese really loved you!!!

Eighties Rock Band, The Ladies Room! I stayed at the house of the guy in the middle with the dark hair while in Tokyo. Super fun people!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009