Gotta love 7-Eleven!


WTF! Wish I knew!

Mags galore!


Gotta love a clean toilet!

Tag line: A health fizzy drink, increasing the vitality of men going all-out every day.

Bejooled cigarette holders? Now, I'm all over that!!!

Ohh, p-u-p-p-y! So cute!!!

Mellow Cafe - When, where, how?

Some dude at some park in Harajuku.

Madonna gloves circa 1984/85 have made a comeback people! Hee!!!Hee!!!

Work it girl!!!

Some random dog tied up to a sidewalk while it's owner shops around inside the mall. Would not happen here in the U.S.

SEIYU = Japanese WALMART, owned by WALMART! Taking over the world!!!

Bar Lane near where I stayed! Ab Fab!!!

Half the people I know wouldn't be able to get into an amusement park or Japanese bath house here in Japan!!!

Recycling can be so confusing here!!!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson!!! The Japanese really loved you!!!

Eighties Rock Band, The Ladies Room! I stayed at the house of the guy in the middle with the dark hair while in Tokyo. Super fun people!!!